Medicine Home Rx – Feng Shui Design
Your environment can literally change the way you FEEL!
How you feel can change your state of being.
Design has always been a passion – starting as the only girl in wood shop in Jr High, continuing on doing finish carpentry in Medical School, and applying my skills towards a complete gut of a 100yo first home at the ripe age of 22yo. Since then I have applied my spare time towards continuing to hone my skills towards creating SPACE, as a cure, remedy and adjustment to life.
I am a Certified BTB Mindful Design Feng Shui Practitioner and blend this with over 20yrs in clinical practice as a Naturopathic Doctor and Classical Chinese Medicine Practitioner – and use this synthesis as extension of how wellness can take on many forms. I am currently in a 3 year mentorship Certified Chinese Astrology / Feng Shui Practitioner program with Dr. Sonia Tan. I continue to study Chinese Astrology (BaZi) with my teacher since 2001, Master Zhongxian Wu.
Medicine Home Rx is an extension of my skills as a healer –
Designing SPACE to heal: Body, Home, Soul.
Using Feng Shui Design, Five element / phase theory, Biophilic intuition, and Environmental principles to guide a space into providing a REMEDY (Rx) specific to your soul.
The spaces I create truly do feel like medicine.
Bend, OR HOME DESIGN 2016-2021

Bend, OR CLINICAL DESIGN: 2018-Current
Bend, OR Custom Home: 2021 – ongoing project
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