Home Remedy Kit for Winter Cold & Flu Season

Our best tips and tricks to hack flu season

‘Tis the Season! Winter is here, and it’s that time when many of us catch a little bug! Kids are back in school, weather temperatures fluctuate, and there’s more sugar (and often stress) around during the holidays. It’s a perfect storm for germs and illness to spread. As Mamas and Doctors, we have seen a lot of runny noses, coughs, and other cold and flu symptoms in the last couple of months. Fear Not! We’re sharing our Functional Medicine home remedy kit for cold and flu season to help you boost and strengthen your immune system to protect your body from illness this winter. The key here is PREVENTION. We’re recommending several of our favorite products from the Inspired Health Apothecary below. It’s a great idea to have your own “Immune First Aid Kit” at home so you’re prepared, because who wants to go to the store when they’re sick? Listen to Your Body & Take Action Perhaps the most important tip is to tune in to your body and pay attention to what it’s telling you.
It’s crucial to take action as soon as you feel the first signs of any scratchy throat or stuffy nose. The faster you act against illness, the better chance you’ll have at reducing the severity of symptoms and preventing a disaster.
Take your Daily Essentials! We called them Essential for a reason! Our Daily Essentials Med Pack contains an excellent multivitamin, probiotic, vitamin D, fish oil, and magnesium. In particular, the probiotic and Vitamin D are fantastic for prevention. Set a strong foundation for your immune system on the regular! Try Warming Socks If you haven’t tried the Warming Sock hydrotherapy treatment yet, you must! You can do it at home, it’s FREE, and is extremely effective (we call it magic 😊). This will help at the initial onset of symptoms to boost your immune system. The full instructions are HERE and a printout version HERE.

Our Favorite Products for Cold & Flu

These are our favorite remedies for acute sickness – we’re talking flu-like symptoms like throat pain, cough, fever, body aches, and any upper respiratory infection. The key is to take something every three hours and to rotate between products to keep the immune system working. *Please consult with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements.

General Immune Support

Vitamin D3 25,000 IU

Vitamin D-3 (25,000 IU)

Vitamin D helps stimulate the immune system. Use this higher dose for 3 days ONLY! Return to maintenance Vitamin D dose after 3 days


This is one of the BEST products to promote a healthy immune response. Take at first sign and onset of symptoms – or if someone you know is sick, or exposed to someone sick.
ImmuCare, Natura
ImmuniT Plus


Equally as potent as Immucare (and can be used interchangeably), we LOVE this product for general immune support. Take at first sign and onset of symptoms.


A natural, plant-based medium chain fat (glycerol monolaurate),  derived from lauric acid. Used to support general immune health and overall wellness.
Lauricidin, Monolaurin Supplement
Flew Away, Natura

Flew Away

Contains high-quality, concentrated herbal extracts that support immune system function and helps maintain a healthy microbial environment.

Release Pearls

Highly effective combination of wind dispersing herbs that simultaneously enter all three yang channels—shaoyang, yangming and taiyang. For aches, fever, cough, and especially if you have stubborn symptoms that are not going away.
Release Pearls

Cough Support

Lung & Bronchial Tonic

Lung and Bronchial Tonic

An effective tonic for coughs, and shortness of breath.
  • supports healthy lung and bronchial function
  • soothes, nourishes, and relaxes the respiratory system
  • maintains a healthy microbial environment

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

A potent antioxidant that provides relief of respiratory symptoms (phlegm, cough, sinus congestion).
NAC-Acetyl Cysteine

Sore Throat Support

Throat & Gland, Natura

Throat and Gland Spray

For sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and tonsils. Supports Lymphatic System & Immune Response.        

Sinus Infection/ Congestion Support


Supports nasal and sinus health, controls the histamine response function, and relieves discomfort.
S-Clear, Natura
ION* Sinus (formerly Restore Sinus Spray)

Ion Sinus Spray

Designed to help cleanse, soothe, and hydrate the delicate membranes lining your nasal passages.

Breathe Respiratory Essential Oil Blend

Maintains clear airways and breathing and supports overall respiratory health Try a Breathe Oil steam shower:  Plug the drain. Add 6 drops of the oil to a few inches of water in the bottom of the shower or wipe on  shower wall. Turn the shower on and let the bathroom get hot and steamy. Stand in the shower and let your sinuses OPEN!
doTERRA Breathe Respiratory Blend
Inspired Health - Integrative + Functional Medicine Center Natural Fertility Bend Oregon

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*Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should always speak with your physician or other health care professionals before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. For any products or services purchased from this Website, you should read carefully all produc
Functional Medicine Immune Health Naturopathic Medicine Wellness

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